Thursday, September 8, 2011


I’ve been restless. All day I’m packing, planning, and organizing saying hellos and goodbyes. At night, tonight being no exception, I think about what I’m forgetting, who I’m missing, what fortune I have in this life that I will miss  when I’m away. Not to be too sentimental or philosophical, but one of the biggest questions that continues to present itself is: How did I get here? I’m not asking to be reminded about the day my mom received a stork at her doorstep. I’m referring to this moment, where I am back at home, unable to sleep as I anxiously await my departure.

My mom, me and Trixie.
My friend Stasia (who’s headed to Peru for PC in 10 days!!) recently asked me:

“Where did you come from? Are you more like your mom or dad?” 

My best guess would be that I’m a fair blend of both. I’ve got my mom’s sensitive heart which provokes me to squeal at baby animals and avoid stepping on worms after a rainstorm. Most importantly, she has helped nurture my compassion and desire to help others. My dad’s confidence and bullish attitude allows me to get way in over my head and weasel my way through it. He has been a great role model to show that being nerdy is cool and he has also spent years toughening me up through various acts such as tricking me into eating strange foods (f.y.i. goat’s tongue can taste like chicken, and I’ve recently had to turn down dried seahorse).

Grandma and me at Waldport, OR

My grandma is also a big role model for me. She’s lived long enough to know that life is too short to sugar coat. If I’m acting like an ass, being a slacker, stealing things from her pantry, or moving too quickly to appreciate the grass growing under my feet she is the first one to let me know about it. I admire her strength (physical and mental), generosity, intelligence, work ethic and her willingness to make ridiculous voices for her cat, no matter who is around.

Though we fail to be blood related, my stepmom Barbara and I seem to be from similar stock. I would like to blame much of my sense of humor and my inability to control my sugar cravings on Barbara. She has also taught me to curb my ego, embrace the unknown, and appreciate the little things and to spend time with those who love and treat you well.

Pat, my dad, me and Barbara

My former nemesis Patrick, who has used his position as brother to humiliate, teach, frighten and help me try new things. We’ve shared a lot of bizarre experiences growing up together, and no one else may understand or appreciate them the way we do. Pat frequently and kindly remind me that I’m never as smart or funny as I sometimes think I am. He has also taught me that doing things differently means having more adventures.

I am spoiled by the love I have in my family, which gives me the flexibility to try new things and always know I have a safety net.

I’ve got friends like a stray dog has fleas. How did I manage to be so lucky as to surround myself with people I admire, and also have the privilege of calling them “friends?” I have friends young enough to be attending grade school, friends cool enough to stick with me since high school and friends who are 20+ years wiser than me.  All of my friends challenge me to be more cultured, educated, kind, athletic or adventurous. They accept that I am rarely punctual, embarrassing in public, flighty and forgetful, off-tune, opinionated and bad at returning phone calls. Thank you for your unconditional love.
Me, Valeria, Hannah, Zilpa and Priscilla
Sarah and Anne

My Montana tour guide, Joe, and Me
This summer, I have been lucky enough to spend time with a number of you that I adore. As always, I wish I had more time to visit, laugh and make memories with you. Please know that I am grateful for everyone who has been with me, for any length of time, because you have taught me the skills and helped shape my character to best prepare me for my biggest adventure yet.

Me and Syd
Women with moustaches are
 commonplace in MT.
Edie, me and Stasia
*As a side plug, I am anxious for any of you to share this adventure with me. April of next year I will be able to have visitors in Ethiopia. has great flight deals into Addis Ababa.  When you think about how much money some of you spend on dog food, gas, tuition or health insurance each year it’s really not that much money. You just have to stop feeding your dog, ride your bike everywhere, drop out of school and be uninsured in order to afford the visit.  ;)

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